i'm not so patient to watch the movie without any interrupting but it's indeed a good movie that deserves respect from us, the ending song is good either, wish everyone alive in the movie gets what he needs
银河共和国动荡不安在外围星系的航线稅问题引发了众多争议贪婪的贸易联盟企图用武力解决问题他们派出强大的战舰封锁弱小的纳布星球阻断了通往该星球的一切航运正当共和国就这一连串危机争论不休时共和国最高议长秘密派出了两名维护银河系和平与正义的绝地武士你的注意力会决定你的现实恐惧产生愤怒愤怒导致仇恨仇恨导致灾难Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. 留意生命的原力 阿米拉达女王